Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Summary

My 2015 had been a great year. I’ve met a lot of people and I realized lots of things. 2015 taught me how to be forgiving, how to be a good friend, how to be more understanding, and how not to be afraid to love again. Now, I would like to summarize my 2015 and I would like you all to know what I’ve learned this year.

January 2015-March 2015

These are the months where I was so regretful. I regretted breaking up with my ex. I tried correcting my mistake but turns out he already found someone new (that fast!). I tried being numb. But I realized that being numb is not a solution to moving on. I realized that I should just be happy for him and I should be happy as well. God has other plans for me, I know. And besides, I’m still too young. I will still encounter lots and lots of people who will come and then goes out my life.

April 2015-May 2015

I met someone online on these months. I approached him because I saw him tweeting about 23:11. 23:11 is a story made by pilosopotasya. I got really addicted to it that’s why when he tweeted it, I replied to his tweet immediately. We’ve become really close friends until a misunderstanding occurred that put a gap to our friendship. But as for now, we’re still friends but not that close anymore. This situation is memorable because it teaches me that you should really talk to people first before accusing them something. And there are really those people who will judge you immediately even if they haven’t met you yet. I also learned that there are people or things that can be gone too fast. It’s too fast that you would wonder if that really happened or was it just an imagination.

June 2015-July 2015

I got interested to this Korean boy group named, SEVENTEEN and they made a big part of my year. Because of knowing them, I’ve met a lot of friends online especially Anindyanari or better known as Yumi in Twitter. She’s Indonesian and we’re very close now. We share secrets and problems. I’m just so glad I knew her. I hope one day, I can meet her personally. I would also like to mention Claire, Austine, Afi, Shulin, Hazel, Max, Chloe unnie, Mokee unnie, Airi unnie, Kahli unnie, and many others. You’ve been a big part of my 2015! Thank you so much. I also made friends inside our school campus. Jean Sentorias, Andrea Lyn Co, Fairlei Russel, Patricia Orboc, Lou Maquilan, and Khatyana Tongco are the persons who made my 2015 very memorable. They are there with me whenever I spazz about SEVENTEEN. They are my co-fangirls and without SEVENTEEN, I would never have been close to them. Without them, I can’t explore more of the outside world. So I am thanking them for letting me experience the feeling of having a “barkada”.

August 2015

My 16 years of existence. My 16th birthday made me realize how beautiful life is. I hated my life last 2014 because of experiencing lots of problems but then I know God is with me and He will never leave me. I realized that everything really does happen for a reason. I’m currently 16 years old now, and I’m still too young but I am ready. Me and my God are ready.

September 2015-November 2015

These months… Gosh. Lots of things happened within these months. September… I realized I’m starting to like someone. Well, at first I was just shipping him with my friend but turns out I’ve fallen for him. I was feeling bad at myself those times. I feel like I’m betraying my best friend but what can I even do? When you start having feelings with someone, if you try to fight it, it’ll just grow even more. I tried to shut up and keep these feelings by myself but my heart just want to burst these feelings out. I told myself that it’s my fault anyways. It’s my fault for pairing them. It’s my fault why my best friend had fallen for him.

We had this event called Peace Fest and that event was the day wherein I almost told him about my feelings. He saw me cried and I was surprised when he asked me why was I crying. I don’t want to give any meaning to it but I looked at his eyes and saw how worried they were. I saw something in his eyes and I couldn’t explain what I saw. I was surprised because two days after that event he confessed to me. I didn’t see that coming. I was literally surprised because I have no idea that he likes me. And now, within those months, I am happy. I am happy with him.

Those months also made me realized how to value teamwork. I realized that victory isn’t about winning but victory is about learning; learning how to value friendship, learning how to accept defeat. Grade 10 – St. Joseph of Calasanz is a very happy, positive and chill (lol) section. We never compete. We are happy and contented, and that’s what I like about my section this school year.

December 2015

Family is so special. December 22, another blessing has come to our family. My auntie just gave birth to a baby boy and she named him Sean. Though, I haven’t met Sean yet because he is in Bacolod right now. But I do wish when he comes home here in Cebu, he’ll be a healthy boy.

And those are all the memorable events that happened in 2015. Wishing for more realizations to come. Let us all welcome 2016 and make something bigger than what you did last 2015!


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