Friday, September 30, 2016

A Special Gift

A gift. What is a gift? A gift is a thing given willingly to someone without payment.

Last August 27, 2016 was my 17th birthday. I received lots of gifts. I don't mean things but people. My whole family were there. From grandparents down to friends.

The picture above is a gift given by my most beloved boyfriend, John Paul Gabriel Retuya. He gave it late since he was not able to come at my house on my birthday. To be honest, I felt incomplete while I was celebrating it because he was not there.

But just this August 29, he gave me that efforted gift and I do love it. I cried reading all those 100 reasons why he loves me.

But you know what's really the best gift I've ever received? I received that gift last October 26, 2015.


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